Review: Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Disney Plus has a new show out and it’s taking us behind the scenes of Animal Kingdom. There are a lot of zoo shows out there. Animal Planet has several as does National Geographic, which are also found on Disney Plus. But is this new docuseries any good? Is it worth watching? These are my thoughts so far of the show.

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The Same, but also Different

I’ve been taking some more time to think about where I’m going with this blog. On the one hand, I love the fun random posts that I do that have little to no direction. On the other hand, I want to shift gears and find a focus for what I’m doing here.

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Each Little Bird That Sings

Hey y’all. This is going to be short, but also a little bit of an emotional dump. I’ve actually had this draft since the beginning of March, mostly because I wanted a post with this title. Figured this moment would fit the title well. For those curious, the blog title comes from a book I read as a child about a girl whose family runs a funeral home and deals with a death in her own family. This isn’t about death though, it’s about that lovely part of the semester when I suddenly stop and spiral.

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Face-to-Face to Online: An Update

Hey y’all. I hope you have all been safe and are continuing to be safe and healthy.

As I’m sure you all know, a lot (most if not all) schools have switched from face to face instruction to online. I had to move out of my dorm before the year was over. A lot of graduations are canceled. I know there’s a few school districts in other states that have decided to have their students take the year over (or something like that).

For me, I went from having face to face classes to online at home. Here’s how the past two weeks have been.

Continue reading “Face-to-Face to Online: An Update”

Well, that was fun

It finally happened. I ran out of meds at school… Today, was an interesting day.

[Hey there. I know this is saying “today,” but is being posted on a Friday. Yeah, I took forever to actually write it. Got distracted doing the blog redesign and didn’t finish it last night. So it’s going up on a Friday and I don’t want to change my wording because… I just don’t.]

Continue reading “Well, that was fun”

Plans… Maybe…

Quick update while I take a quick break from studying.

I made some changes for myself and how I organize time (check out my instagram @apparent_togetherness for a peak). It seems to be working so far. Anyway, since things are actually getting done, it’s looking like I might actually be able to take some time this weekend to sit down and get a few longer, thought out posts written and scheduled.

I’ve got several concepts and ideas that I want to get typed and ready. Some are a touch time sensitive, well not really, but it would be amazing if I was able to get them out before the end of October. You’ll know them when you see them. So fingers crossed I actually get something ready to go.

I’m also hoping I’ll be able to sit down and make a few changes to the layout. It’s looking kind of old and I want to clean it up a bit and dust off the cobwebs.

Anyway, I need to get back to the grind. Hope everyone who is still reading this blog has an amazing day. Until next time, hopefully soon, Sanders out.